*Sold Out* Join us for the Frederica Chase Dodd Founders Day Luncheon on Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 11:30 AM at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel located at 400 Olive Street, Dallas 75201. This year’s theme is Moving Forward with Fortitude. Our Keynote Speaker is Dr. Anita Phillips, a Nationally acclaimed trauma therapist and In The Light Podcast Host. Dr. Phillips is recognized for her ground-breaking work at…
Meetings are only open to duly initiated members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Consequently, proof of membership is required and must be verified before admittance to chapter meetings is granted. Visiting sorors must complete the pre-verification form and e-mail it to dafinancialsect88@yahoo.com at least 72 hours prior to chapter meeting. Chapter meetings will be held virtually until further notice.